Video Installation
Video and visual research for the exhibition Sea Soma by Dora Durkesark. Videos created in collaboration with Dora Durkesark and Ixchel Mendoza Hernández.

sea soma

sea soma

Video Installation
Video and visual research for the exhibition Sea Soma by Dora Durkesark. Videos created in collaboration with Dora Durkesark and Ixchel Mendoza Hernández.

“The sea squirt swims freely in the sea until it finds a place on a rock where it remains for the rest of its life. It digests its nervous system as it doesn’t need it in its static form. This creature provoked a theory that the brain evolved among species following the complexity of bodily movement. Meanwhile, the collaboration between the mind and algorithm evolves, and soma acquires the anatomy of sitting, hunched back, tech neck, or text claws. In flat encounters, humans experience each other through the infosphere and cycles of data. How do we return to the idea of touch as vision, which is known to be our earliest mode of interaction and feeling of the world?” - Dora Durkesac

“The sea squirt swims freely in the sea until it finds a place on a rock where it remains for the rest of its life. It digests its nervous system as it doesn’t need it in its static form. This creature provoked a theory that the brain evolved among species following the complexity of bodily movement.” - Dora Durkesac