Video Installation
A two-folded work of Live video and a VR installation in collaboration with choreographer Anna Nowicka.
Documentation: Piotr Petrus

this is the real thing (VR)

this is the real thing (VR) 

Video Installation
A two-folded work of Live video and a VR installation in collaboration with choreographer Anna Nowicka.
Documentation: Piotr Petrus


︎︎︎ Try the 360º video    ︎︎︎ Try the 360º video    ︎︎︎ Try the 360º video    ︎︎︎ Try the 360º video

“In collaboration with filmmaker Stella Horta, Anna is moving away from capturing or shooting an image towards the possible tenderness of imaging and being present as a performer and observer”.

“In collaboration with filmmaker Stella Horta, Anna is moving away from capturing or shooting an image towards the possible tenderness of imaging and being present as a performer and observer”.

“In the synchronicity of seeing and being seen, of what is tangible and imagined, a third, shared space unravels, where these dichotomies fall open. The audience is invited to experience the virtual reality films by Anna Nowicka and Stella Horta via VR glasses prior to the performances.”

“In the synchronicity of seeing and being seen, of what is tangible and imagined, a third, shared space unravels, where these dichotomies fall open. The audience is invited to experience the virtual reality films by Anna Nowicka and Stella Horta via VR glasses prior to the performances.”